The following sequence of images is in support of the necessity of getting up early and heading off
to stalk images without agenda. We all love the thought of shooting what we love to shoot, but
as I have always said, pictures don't make themselves so you have to make the time with no more
of a plan than rising very early and driving off into the sunrise.
Short of casting models or integrating the human element into my photos, I love the peacefulness
of wandering. Sometimes I have to force myself to turn my car around and go back to check
something out that caught my eye and usually find a half hours worth of views. This image, as my cousin David pointed out, illustrates the Fall, or September Equinox due to it's perfect
alignment with this east-west oriented county road.
It's east to stress yourself out thinking about whether or not you will hit your mark on the short
little forays into the field, and it does help to have, at least, an idea of where you're headed, but
by putting too much emphasis on specifics you kill the spontaneity.
Don't worry about it. Just get out of bed and be there.
Albeit, I was in a very textural area, I had about a 2 hour investment of time, having taken the time,
while on my way traveling back home from the shoot I was on in Scottsbluff.
It was early.
This old main street view worked out especially well because there were no cars parked in front
of the buildings.
You can even find composition in the context of the layers created by a dusty old farm road.
This sequence would not have been complete, editorially, had I not gotten an image of the
proverbial round hay bales.
Americana everywhere you look.
If you look.
And, of course...
Get out of bed, lazy head !